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Upcoming Events


2025 Wednesday Night Schedule: Following is our 2025 Winter/Spring Wednesday Night Schedule.


5:30-6:30 PM: Meal and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall (please sign up with the church office by Monday at 12:00 PM).

5:45-6:30 PM: Orchestra Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

6:30-7:30 PM: Children & Youth Classes (FMC), Prayer Meeting (Fellowship Hall), Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)​​


Women of Truth: Women 25-40 are invited to be a part of the study of “Twelve Extraordinary Women” by John MacArthur. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, February 18, from 6:00-8:30 PM at Carolyn Falk’s home. Dinner is provided. Please text or call to RSVP to Carolyn Falk (252-903-0841) or Brenda Collins (252-903-3746).


Baptists on Mission Disaster Relief Training: The Baptists on Mission offer one day trainings throughout the year for anyone who is interested in disaster relief training and participating in a disaster relief project. There is one being offered on Saturday, February 22, from 8:30 AM-3:00 PM in Edenton, NC. If you are interested in attending, and would like more information, please visit the website page linked here for more details: February 22 Baptists On Mission Disaster Relief Training.


NC Baptist Discipleship Conference: This years NC Baptist Discipleship Conference will be held at The Summit Church in Raleigh on Tuesday, February 25, and we would love to have a group go! There will be two main sessions coupled with break out sessions that can be chosen individually upon registration. We will take vans and leave First Baptist at 7:30 AM and return around 4:00 PM that day. Please contact the church office if you are interested in attending.


Sunday Morning Donuts + Coffee: You are invited to come fellowship with your church family and enjoy some donuts and coffee every Sunday morning starting at 8:30 AM in the lobby of the Family Ministry Center before heading to your Sunday School classes.


Sunday Morning Prayer Gathering: Join us in the Family Ministry Center Lobby at 8 AM, on Sunday mornings, for a time of prayer together as we intentionally lift up our church, our community, and our world.





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200 South Church Street, Rocky Mount, NC 27804   |  Tel: (252) 446-9113

Sunday School - 9:00 AM   |   Worship Service - 10:30 AM

Wednesday Meal - 5:30 PM   |   Wednesday Evening Groups - 6:30 PM

©2022 First Baptist Church of Rocky Mount

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